A physician is on call 24 hours each day to address urgent medical needs that cannot wait until regular office hours.
If the office is closed, the answering service will take your information and contact the physician on duty who will return your call and provide instructions as to what to do, as appropriate. If you need to cancel an appointment, the answering service is authorized to take this message.
If you have a pressing medical condition during scheduled hours, our office is equipped to handle minor injuries, lacerations, asthma attacks and other urgent problems. Please call the office and describe what your condition or symptoms are. If your condition is urgent, then you’ll be seen or referred for proper care.
If you have a minor injury or illness, and the office is not open, consider using a local urgent care for cost-effective treatment. TriValley Primary Care has established an electronic interface with Grand View Urgent Care facilities. Your primary care provider will know if you use Grand View Urgent Care centers, and can ensure your treatment is consistent with appropriate follow up care in the office, as needed.
Any call to the after-hours provider may result in a telehealth visit to assess the patient’s condition and establish a plan of care. Patients may incur a copay or be responsible for a deductible or coinsurance as a result of any after-hours care.
However, if a medical emergency should arise, please go quickly to the nearest hospital emergency department or call 911 immediately.